Publication of Special Issues

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Special issues celebrating the centennial ICTAM

Outstanding papers presented at ICTAM are being planned for publication in the special issues of the following seminal journals.

ICTAM 2024 is pleased to announce that a number of extremely prestigious journals relevant to ICTAM are selected for publication of special issues in celebration of its centenary. Contributing authors will have a chance to indicate their interest and preference on these special issues upon acceptance to ICTAM 2024. A limited number of papers then will be selected for submission to a special issue on the basis of quality, which will be peer reviewed with the same stringent criteria of each journal, with a team of guest editors assigned by the journal in collaboration with the ICTAM 2024 administration. The special issues will thus be accommodating the most outstanding contributions to the ICTAM 2024.

A tentative list of the journals that have indicated interest in a special issue or a series of special issues for ICTAM 2024 are as below. The list is to be amended and updated, as official agreements are processed by each journal and ICTAM 2024. Further information on each special issue, including its title, scope, and guest editors, will be announced after formal finalization agreements.

The following should appear in the Introduction of all special issues:
This special issue contains selected papers that were presented at ICTAM 2024, the centennial ICTAM.


No. Code Journal Publisher Leading Guest Editor Guest Editor Link
1 ICTAM SI01 Biomicrofluidics AIP Publishing Jennifer H. ShinKAIST, Korea ( Song Ih AhnKAIST, Korea (
Jessie JeonKaist, Korea (

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2 ICTAM SI02 Computers & Fluids Elsevier Abhilash SuryanCollege of Engineering Trivandrum, India (

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3 ICTAM SI03 European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids Elsevier Hengdong XiNorthwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China (

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4 ICTAM SI04 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Elsevier Wontae HwangSeoul National University, Korea (

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5 ICTAM SI05 Flow Cambridge University Press Daniel RodriguezUniversidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain (

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6 ICTAM SI06 Fluid Dynamics Research IOPScience Ho-Young KimSeoul National University, Korea (

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7 ICTAM SI07 International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Elsevier Simon SongHanyang University, Korea (

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8 ICTAM SI08 International Journal of Multiphase Flow* Elsevier Hyoungsoo KimKAIST, ( Wonjung KimYonsei University, (
Eun Seop YeomPusan National University, (
Alban SauretUniversity of Maryland), (

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9 ICTAM SI09 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics Elsevier Anke LindnerSorbonne Université, France (
Prabhu Nott Indian Institute of Science, India (

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10 ICTAM SI10 Journal of Visualization Springer Kyung Chun KimPusan National University, Korea (
Dae Gyoum Kim KAIST, Korea (

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11 ICTAM SI11 Physical Review Fluids** American Physical Society Ho-Young KimSeoul National University, Korea (

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12 ICTAM SI12 Physics of Fluids AIP Publishing Heuy Dong KimAndong National Univ. Korea ( Guang ZhangZhejiang Sci-Tech University, China (

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No. Code Journal Publisher Leading Guest Editor Guest Editor Link
1 ICTAM SI13 Acta Mechanica Springer Hyun-Gyu KimSeoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea ( Han-Sohl CHOKAIST, Korea (
Stephan Rudykh University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA

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2 ICTAM SI14 Archives of Mechanics Polish Academy of Sciences Henryk PetrykPolish Academy of Sciences, Poland ( Jacek PozorskiPolish Academy of Sciences, Poland (*responsible for handling submissions in the Fluids section

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3 ICTAM SI15 Engineering Fracture Mechanics Elsevier Xi-Qiao FengTsinghua University, China (

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4 ICTAM SI16 European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids Elsevier Norman FleckCambridge University, UK (

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5 ICTAM SI17 Frontiers in Materials Frontiers Jian XiongHarbin Institute of Technology, China (

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6 ICTAM SI18 International Journal of Damage Mechanics SageJournals Emilio Martinez-PanedaDepartment of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, UK (

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7 ICTAM SI19 International Journal of Solids and Structures on the TM SM12-Plasticity, Viscoplasticity and Creep Elsevier Lorenzo BardellaUniversity of Brescia, Italy ( Henrik Myhre JensenAarhus University. Denmark (

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8 ICTAM SI20 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Wiley Online Library G P Raja SekharIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India (

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9 ICTAM SI21 Journal of TheoreticalComputational, and Applied Mechanics EPIsciences Qu Shaoxing Zhejiang University, China (

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10 ICTAM SI22 Meccanica Springer Anna PandolfiPolitecnico di Milano, Italy (

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No. Code Journal Publisher Leading Guest Editor Guest Editor Link
1 ICTAM SI23 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Springer Joe AlexandersenSyddansk Universitet, Denmark ( •Eddie Wadbro •Alejandro Aragon •Erik Lund •Junghwan Kook

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* International Journal of Multiphase Flow will publish articles in regular issues with a heading that it is selected for publication from the presentation at the ICTAM 2024 after the same rigorous review process of the journal.
** Physical Review Fluids — the official journal of the American Physical Society devoted to the discovery of new physical phenomena in fluid dynamics — will collaborate with ICTAM 2024 and publish a collection of papers by some of the invited speakers, spread over several regular issues.

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