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Workshop Program

  • This workshop is sponsored by Elsevier.
  • This event will take place on August 27th from 13:10 to 14:10, and lunch boxes will be provided.

Elsevier Workshop

Date & TimeAugust 27th 13:10 ~14:10

Room No.306A

TitleCareer Pathways for Early Career Researchers: Leveraging Your PhD Skills and Securing Research Grants

Dr. Carina Arasa Cid Elsevier, Netherlands
Part 1. Career path after academia and other possible career path.
Part 2. Unlocking Grant Success with Funding Institutional
Part 3. Q&A (15min)

This workshop helps early career researchers and final-stage PhD students navigate career development beyond academia and secure research funding. Participants will learn to identify fulfilling job opportunities and leverage Funding Institutional by Elsevier to efficiently find and track grants, aligning with trending research areas like Climate Action and AI.
